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Showing posts from September, 2020

Times people ask what it means or don't. (Peep Show)

Season 1 Episode 1 , Mark asks Jez "What does it mean?" when confronted by Judas spelt out with meat on his bed. Season 1 Episode 2 . Mark replies: "What does that mean?? I literally have no idea what that is supposed to mean." when Jez says "yeah, well, at least I don't fancy elves and pixies."  Season 1 Episode 5 , Jez thinks "Shall I ask what he means?" when Super hans says "It's a Savage Garden, my friend, a Savage Garden."    Season 3, Episode 1 . Stu says: "What? What does that even mean?", after Jez pretends to shake his hand, then doesn't and says "Ah ha ha! How do you like that Stu, you Monk!" In answer to the question Jez says: "You know what it means, Stu, from the way it makes you feel, that's what it means, yeah, welcome to big school." * earlier in this episode Jez says "What the hell do you mean by that?" when Big Suze says "S