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Showing posts from December, 2005

Telewest FilmFlex

Telewest FilmFlex is this new service whereby you can order films through the Telewest (Cable) TV Box, for a small cost, depending on how recent the film is, it lets you watch it as many times as you like within the next 24 hours. The new thing that it does, however, is that it'll let you pause, fast forward, and rewind the film! (Even though there's no hard drive or new device in the cable box!) Anyway, the only problem now, is that you can spend an hour or more trying to decide on a film, especially when there's a large number of people there, and then when you finally decide on a film to watch (after about an hour or two), mainly because nobody's seen it, you have to enter a pin number that nobody knows! Once the panics over, you've phoned Telewest, and been told it's 1234, you can watch the film and find that it's not really what you were expecting and has more dodgy scenes than something extra dodgy - and that's where the new feature comes in hand...

Coca Cola Coffee, Pepsi Coffee Cappucino

Well, I suggested it 13 days ago , and soon it should be available. Here's Pepsi Cappucino (Picture from the Mirror - showing Coca Cola Blak and Pepsi Max Cino) and some more information on Coke Blak if you can't wait.

My dad's B A Baracas

JCB Song Video is top class! Awesome video, awesome song. Listen to more stuff by nizlopi here . Wouldn't it be great to be 5 years old again? Don't you just remember having fun, playing with toys, have special birthday cakes that look like trains? A magical world that you can look back on as though the world was perfect?

New Car - Hooray!

We got this today, a Skoda Fabia 1.4 Comfort - it's got ABS, Air Conditioning, Fog lights, 1.4 litre 8v engine (apparently doesn't have a cambelt so we don't need to get the cambelt changed on it - hooray!), decent stereo, and we managed to get a decent amount of money off the price! More Skoda Fabia Comfort Pictures Here .

Pepsi on Fire

Pepsi on Fire - apparently it's like Pepsi with ginger ale - looks cool - but I still think someone should make a "Smokey Cokey" - coke with a sort of charcoaly burnt wood taste. Or why not "Coffee Coke" - Coffee and coke mixed together - double the caffiene. And in some other rather sad news, our Nissan Sunny 1.3LX 1988 F reg has gone to the Car graveyard up the road. It wouldn't start anymore, so we firgured it'd be best to get rid of it, buy a new (used) car, rather than spend more money getting the Sunny fixed.

Christmas Decorations are up at work!

Well, it's that time of year again, Christmas! Decorations are up at work, which makes the place a bit more "cheery" and "friendly" which is nice. I've even managed to do some christmas shopping, courtesy of - I guess it's probably a good time to try find some bargains on ebay as well. On the subject of Christmas - Starbucks are doing a "special brew" christmas coffee (for espresso / cafitiere's etc) - I don't think I'll try it - although perhaps I could give it to someone as a present, and then force them to let me try it.

Audited Revenue

Chitika Audited Revenue for October is down 43% - quite a higher difference in earnings that I expected, but I still think it has potential for making me roughly 2x more than Amazon, and 5x more than AdSense - so definitely worth using regardless of the difference! I've added a referral link (today) to the bottom of one of my sites, so hopefully I'll be able increase revenues.