Well, I'm in a new buiding, only 4 minutes walk from where I live! I went to Maccy Dees (local dialect for McDonalds) today, and was texting H about it - but my phone made me spell both Maccy, and Dees, so here's an idea: Why don't mobile phones come with local dialect already built into the text dictionary? Phones sold in Liverpool can be supplied with "Eh La!", "Kidder", "Kwiky" (Kwik-Save), and of course Maccy Dees.
In other exciting news - I invented / made my very first bendable bic pen! I've been working on experimental destruction of pens for a long time now, about two weeks ago, through the use of sellotape I discovered I could extend the life of the pen, and today I wrapped the whole pen in sellotape making it really bendable - but still usable.
